New York State Department of Transportation
D015442, Route 9A, Lower Manhattan Redevelopment Project, West Street Reconstruction for Realignment, West Street Underpass, Region 11
The project scope was comprised of the realignment of West Street from West Thames Street to Chambers Street in downtown New York City area. The entire project included the widening and realignment of West Street, promenade development, rehabilitation of several bridges crossing West Street and West Street Underpass Approach Realignment to accommodate the new Route 9A realignment.
SEPC performed the realignment design of West Street Underpass. The realignment necessitated demolition and re-construction of retaining walls, structural roadway slab, and miscellaneous items. The work included initial survey, field investigation, geotechnical investigations, and study to determine subsurface soil properties, structural and civil design, foundation design, curb design, lighting design and development of quantity and cost estimates. SEPC conducted subsurface investigations, prepared geotechnical report, and submitted to NYSDOT Main Office in Albany for approval. Upon the approval of geotechnical report, SEPC developed Preliminary Plans, Advanced Design Plans (ADP) and Final Plans, Specifications and Estimate (PS&E) package. SEPC also provided Construction Support Services until the construction completion of West Street Underpass.